Spacecraft Equipment and Software

Organisations which supply equipment and software for use in unmanned spacecraft.

high-density 3D microelectronic products, bare die and wafer level stacking technology including: volatile and non volatile memory, radiation mitigation solutions, interfaces, protection, power solutions, computer cores, companion chips, and space camera heads

AAC Clyde Space
CubeSat buses; CubeSat structures; CubeSat equipment including: command and data handling subsystems, onboard computers, batteries, power conditioning and distribution units, S and X band patch antennas, TT&C and data transmitters and transceivers, solar arrays; SmallSat reaction wheels

ultra stable oscillators

light absorption, super black materials and blackening of opto-mechanical components

Active Space Technologies (Actividades Aeroespaciais)
electro-mechanical systems including instruments, mechanisms and actuators; thermal control systems; structures

Adamant Composites
CFRP sandwich panels; CFRP struts; large deployable/stowable trusses; deployable reflector antennas for small satellites;

Ad Astra Rocket Company (AARC)
developing the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIM) plasma rocket engine

Added Value Solutions (AVS)
hold down release mechanisms; latches; deployment mechanisms; sampling tools; active landing gear; end effectors; thermal control systems

solar array drive mechanisms (SADMs); rotating instruments; reaction wheels; antenna pointing mechanisms; gyroscopes; ball bearings

Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. (ACT)
constant conductance heat pipes (CCHPS); space copper water heat pipes (SCWHPS); high conductivity plates; variable conductance heat pipes (VCHPS); loop heat pipes (LHPS); phase change material (PCM) heat sinks; accumulators for pumped fluid systems; wedge locks; pulsating heat ppes

Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems (AMOS)
optics; telescope assemblies; instruments for earth observation, solar astronomy, space observatories and deep space missions

Advanced Space
Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS) peer-to-peer navigation system which provides relative tracking data between two or more spacecraft

Advanced Technology Institute, LLC (ATI)
electric propulsion systems for small satellites and CubeSats; pulsed plasma thrusters; hall effect thrusters; 1U, 3U and 6U CubeSat bus systems; momentum and reaction wheels; star trackers; inertial gyros; solar cells; solar panels; solar arrays; secondary batteries; optical solar reflectors (OSR); multi-layer insulation (MLI); heat pipes; thermal coatings; monopropellant, bipropellant and solid propellant propulsion systems; propellant tanks; propellant valves; computers; data transmitters; TT&C transponders; reflector antennas; TT&C antennas

AEL Sistemas
onboard computers; CubeSat buses; power supply systems

Aerojet Rocketdyne
rocket engines for in-space propulsion; chemical thrusters; monopropellant and bipropellant propulsion systems for spacecraft manoeuvering, orbit raising, deep space navigation and planetary landing; CubeSat propulsion systems; developing nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) and nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) systems; solar electric propulsion (SEP) systems; electric propulsion thrusters; radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG);

Aerospace Fabrication and Materials, LLC (AFM)
multi-layer insulation (MLI) blankets; micrometeoroid orbital debris (MMOD) shields; optical solar reflector (OSR) tape; sun shields; plume shields

Aerothreads Inc
multi-layer insulation (MLI) blankets; micrometeoroid orbital debris (MMOD) shields; electromagnetic interference (EMI) shields

rotor system, landing gear and solar panel substrate for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter

AI based operational software for spacecraft; AI based onboard cloud detection software for optical Earth observation missions; software for satellite-to-satellite communications

AirBorn, Inc.
electrical connectors; flexible circuit assemblies; flexible cable assemblies; custom cable assemblies

Airborne Aerospace
solar array substrate panels; composite sandwich panels for platform and instrument structures

Airborne Systems
entry, descent and landing systems (EDLS) for unmanned spacecraft recovery and for planetary landers; fabric based parachute systems; inflatable aerodynamic decelerator (IAD) systems; mid-air retrieval (MAR) systems; flotation systems; landing attenuation systems

Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus DS)
onboard computers; platform data handling and interface units; systems on a chip, hybrids and other components; inertial measurement systems and gyros; reaction control systems; star trackers; LIDARS for rendezvous, docking, on-orbit servicing and planetary landing; mechanisms; deployable reflector antennas; antenna pointing mechanisms; scanning mechanisms; optical communications pointing mechanisms; mechanisms to deploy antenna booms, solar arrays, instrument baffles and calibration mechanisms; solar arrays; power conditioning and distribution systems; gridded ion, Hall effect and T6 ion thrusters; power converters; solid state recorders; timing subsystems and equipment; thermal straps

Airbus Netherlands B.V.
solar arrays; structures for satellites and instruments; design, manufacturing and testing or remote sensing instruments; Earth observation spectrometers; solar array deployment mechanisms; solar array hold down and release systems; antenna deployment mechanisms; thermal straps

Air Liquide
liquid helium tanks; cryogenic transportation lines; cryogenic heat shields

MEMS (MicroElectromechanical Systems) micro-relays; custom monolithic circuits: switch matrices, phase shifters, tunable filters, impedance matching networks

Akash Systems
CubeSat radios; MMIC power amplifiers

Alba Orbital Ltd
PocketQube structures, solar panels, on board computers and development kits

Alén Space
CubeSat buses; CubeSat equipment including: data transmitters, command and data handling subsystems; CubeSat communications payloads for AIS, ADS-B and IoT reception; software defined radio (SDRs)

Aljo GmbH
spacecraft panels and structures

complex, ultra-stable and instrument structures; high precision mechanisms; thermal control systems; multi layer insulation blankets; x-ray filters

American Aerospace Controls (AAC)
voltage and current sensors

Amorim Cork Composites
space probe atmospheric entry shields; cork shields for protection against debris debris impact

telescope assemblies; optical instruments for Earth observation, sun observatories, space observatories and deep space missions; on-board opto-mechanical sub-systems; space-grade optical components and systems; mirrors and lenses; hyperspectral instruments

Ampex Data Systems Corporation
file servers; onboard computers; data recorders

Amphenol Aerospace
electrical, electronic and data connectors, media converters, Ethernet switches, fibre optic connectors and cable assemblies

Amphenol CIT
fast steering mirror (FSM) sensors; shielding and overbraiding for protection against EMI, abrasion and heat; connectors; filter connectors for EMI protection; high power interconnects; precision RF connectors; RF adapters; fire and moisture resistant RF, microwave, fibre optic, data and power wire and cable; flexible and semi-rigid RF, microwave and fibre optic cable assemblies and harnesses; semi rigid cable; conformable RF cable assemblies

Amptek, Inc.
instruments and sensors for the detection, measurement, characterisation and analysis of radiation including electrons, ions, protons, and X-rays; plasma analysers

Analog Devices, Inc.
analogue to digital converters (ADC); digital to analogue converters (DAC); linear regulators; switching regulators; comparators; current sense amplifiers; discrete transistors; environmental sensors; multipliers; operational amplifiers; switches and multiplexers; voltage references; attenuators and switches; detectors and logarithmic amplifiers; low noise amplifiers; upconverters; voltage controlled oscillators (VCO); transceivers; RMS power detectors; multibeam beamformers; step-down switchers; voltage to frequency converters; PLL synthesizers; comparators; current sense amplifiers; temperature transducers; instrumentation amplifiers; isolators; multipliers; sample and hold amplifiers; gain block amplifiers; mixers; modulators; variable gain amplifiers

Ananth Technologies Ltd.
telemetry and telecommand systems; power management systems; attitude and orbital control systems; communications systems; electro optical sensors; spacecraft payloads; mechanisms

flight software development and production

Antwerp Space
communications subsystems for planetary probes; TT&C transponders; data relay satellite modems; intersatellite communications transceivers; positioning, navigation and timing payloads

TT&C, data downlink, GNSS, inter-satellite links, telecommunications and spectrum surveillance antennas for small satellites and satellite constellations

Apcon AeroSpace and Defence GmbH
electronics systems; power supplies; radio frequency generators (RFG) for satellite electric propulsion systems

APCO Technologies
bus structures; structural subsystems; structural panels; heat pipe panels; heat pipes; mechanisms

APC Technology Group PLC
distributor of space qualified RF and microwave components and subsystems, and electronic components

Aperture Optical Sciences, Inc. (AOS)
high resolution telescopes for small satellites and CubeSats; glass, silicon, silicon carbide (SiC) and Cordierite optical components; fast steering mirrors

Applied Aerospace Structures Corporation (AASC)
complex composite and metal bonded structural assemblies including: antenna reflectors, bus and payload assemblies, precision structures, thermal radiators

CubeSat buses; onboard computers; integrated power distribution unit and power supply manager; heat pipes; battery charger; data terminal for lunar communications

patch antennas; data down link antennas; re-entry antennas; propulsion systems; thrusters; propellant tanks; propellant and pressurant valves; pressure transducers; solar panel deployment mechanisms

spacecraft buses for LEO; optical payloads; imaging and camera systems; thermal control systems; thermal blankets; radiators; trusses; axial, arterial and diode heat pipes; loop heat pipes; thermostructural panels; earth observation cameras; hold down and release mechanisms (HDRMs); mechanisms; actuators; radiation hardened microelectronics; payload controllers and sequencers; deployment mechanisms for antennas, solar panels and instruments; ethernet switches

ArsUltra (AU)
onboard computers; radiation hardened microelectronics

Ascent Solar Technologies
solar arrays and panels for CubeSats, Smallsats, larger spacecraft and electric propulsion

EO data transmitters; communications satellite payloads; INETs; payload interface units; communications satellite antennas; communications receivers

ASP-Equipment (Advanced Space Power Equipment)
power conversion and distribution units (PCDU); power conversion units (PCU); power distribution units (PDU); propulsion power units (PPU); solar array regulators; DC/DC converters; battery management systems; instrument power units (IPU); power supply units (PSU); space radar electronic power conditioners (EPC); TWTA electronic power conditioners (EPC); high voltage power supplies; electronic power conditioners for SSPAs

Astra Space, Inc.
electrical propulsion systems

Astra Microwave Products Ltd.
driver amplifiers; down converters; receivers; transmitters; LNAs; channel amplifiers; SSPAs; telemetry transmitters

electromagnetically driven penetrators and drills; lock and release mechanisms; antenna systems; deployable tube based booms; ultra-light manipulator arms; micro-satellite structures; general mechanisms; bearings; electromagnetic actuators; optomechanical and optomechatronical structures

Astro-und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH
reaction wheels; position control sensors; gyro systems; GPS receivers; magnetometers

Aubert & Duval
forgings in superalloys, titanium, high performance steels and aluminium for propellant tanks, engines and structural parts

electrical harnesses; multi layer insulation (MLI) blankets

Axon’ Cable
wires, cables, cable assemblies and connectors for data transmission, high data rate links and power distribution

Azista Aerospace
telemetry subsystems; TT&C transceivers; telemetry transmitters; telecommand receivers; LNAs; solar panels; RF and DC cables and harnesses; power couplers; power dividers

AZ Technology LLC
thermal control and conductive paints and coatings

Azur Space Solar Power GmbH
multi-junction solar cells

BAE Systems
spacecraft buses; reflector antennas; optical, hyperspectral and multispectral imaging instruments; imaging detectors and focal plane array systems; LIDAR and LASER remote sensing instruments; 3D imaging LIDARS; UV, visible light and IR spectrometers; IR radiometers; IR imaging radiometers; gimbals; star trackers; fast steering mirrors; mirror systems; command and data handling systems; attitude determination and control systems; space telescopes for astronomy, planetary imaging and space situational awareness; scientific instruments for astronomy and astrophysics; microwave imagers; optical imaging payloads for Earth observation and planetary observation; visible light cameras; multi-spectral imagers; docking cameras; proximity navigation systems; optical communications terminals; infrared and hyperspectral atmospheric sounding instruments; stellar photometers; electro-optical instruments

Bayern-Chemie GmbH
solid propellant de-orbiting motors; propulsion systems using gelled propellants

BD Sensors s.r.o.
filter wheel controllers; supercapacitor banks; electrical harnesses; radiation monitors; power supply modules

Beaver Aerospace and Defense, Inc.
ball screw actuators; gear assemblies

Bellatrix Aerospace Pvt. Ltd.
developing in-space propulsion systems

Benchmark Space Systems
onboard Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) software; Halcyon non-toxic monopropellant or dual-mode bipropellant propulsion systems; collision avoidance subsystems; metal plasma thrusters; cold gas propulsion systems; hypergolic propulsion systems

Bercella s.r.l.
composite structures including: solar array substrates and yokes, and satellite structures

Berlin Space Technologies GmbH (BST)
SmallSat buses; star trackers; reaction wheels; GPS receivers; sun sensors; command and day=ta handling systems; power control units; payload power and data handling systems; battery systems; optical cameras; payload support units; attitude determination and control systems

Bertin Winlight
lenses; mirrors; prisms; optronics

Beutter Präzisions-Komponenten GmbH & Co.
drive elements for lunar and planetary rovers

Bliley Technologies, Inc.
oscillators including temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXOs), oven controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs), local oscillators (LOs), GPS disciplined oscillators (GPSDO), frequency generation units (FGUs), master reference oscillators (MROs) and MROs with distribution (MRODs)

Blue Canyon Technologies, LLC (BCT)
CubeSat, microsatellite and minisatellite buses for technology demonstration, lunar probes, science, astronomy, astrophysics, solar physics, remote sensing, military space, meteorology and space weather capable of operations in LEO, GEO, lunar orbit and deep space; attitude control systems; star trackers; reaction wheels; drive control electronics (DCE) for reaction wheels, torque rods and control moment gyroscopes; control moment gyroscopes (CMGs); solar arrays; solar array release mechanisms; solar array drive assemblies (SADAs); battery packs; patch and array antennas for TT&C, intersatellite links and data downlinks

Blue Marble Communications
onboard processors; RF modems; transceivers; edge processors; routers; optical communications terminals

Bradford Space
propulsion systems; pressure transducers; flow control units; flow meters; thrusters; sun sensors; reaction wheels; acceleration measurement units; thruster control units; power conditioning and distribution units; onboard computers

Brandywine Photonics
electro-optical, infrared and hyperspectral payloads for weather, climate, defence, commercial remote sensing and scientific spacecraft

BridgeComm, Inc.
optical terminals for space to ground communications and intersatellite links

Bright Ascension Ltd.
flight software; flight software development kits

Brimrose Corporation

Busek Co. Inc.
Hall, electrospray, RF ion and green monopropellant thrusters

Carbice Corporation
thermal interface pads constructed using carbon nanotubes

CDA InterCorp
deployment actuators and dampers; lens and aperture focus actuators; filter wheel drives; gimbal pointing and trimming actuators; door and cover actuators; robotic actuation; capture actuators; brushless DC motors; AC induction motors; stepper motors; rotary transducers; rotary and linear actuators; rotary sensors

Cedrat Technologies (CTEC)
piezoelectric and magnetic actuators; fast and fine steering mirrors (FSM); optical scanning XY stages; voice coil actuators; electro holding magnets; magnetic sensors; piezo-motors

Centum Electronics Limited
control systems; sensors; telemetry systems; data handling systems; power systems


solar cells

CesiumAstro, Inc.
high-throughput, plus-and-play phased array communications payloads; active phase array antennas; transceivers; single board computers; software defined radios; up and downconverters; power conditioning units

CGI Group Inc.
flight software

Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co Ltd (CGSTL)
CubeSat buses; optical and infrared Earth observation cameras; magnetometers; digital sun sensors; flywheels; magnetic torquers; onboard computers; power distribution units; star sensors; lenses for star sensors; CMOS and infrared focal plane units; data transmission systems; data storage units; hinge mechanisms; release mechanisms; solar array drive assemblies (SADA); optical instruments; mirrors

Chemring Group PLC
pyrotechnic devices including: initiators, separation and explosive bolts, separation nuts, pin pullers and pushers, cutters

China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)
bus structures including central tubes and honeycomb sandwich panels; planar antennas; reflector antennas; mechanisms; pyrotechnics; solar arrays; gyros; reaction wheels; magnetotorquers; star trackers; Earth and sun sensors; solar array drive assemblies; antenna pointing mechanisms; thrusters; propellant tanks; pressure transducers; heat pipes; TT&C antennas; GPS antennas; DC/DC converters; antenna feeds; waveguide components; horn antennas; IMUXes and OMUXes; microwave filters; optical imaging instruments

CITD Engineering and Technologies SL
metallic and carbon fibre composite structures; electrical harnesses

Collins Aerospace
surface temperature sensors; momentum and reaction wheels

cameras and optical instruments for planetary landers; rotary actuators for agile pointing devices (instruments and antennas) and for the deployment of appendages; antenna pointing mechanisms; scanning mechanisms for use in remote sensing instruments; reaction wheels for smallsats; deployable antennas for smallsats; deployable structures; deployable mast systems for smallsats; radiators; plasma propulsion systems for smallsats; solar array drive mechanisms (SDAM)

waveguide components, horn and hemispherical antennas, telecommand receivers, telemetry transmitters

Data Patterns (India)
satellite bus structures; deployment mechanisms for folded-down antennas and solar arrays; solar panels; electrical power systems; batteries; power distribution systems; onboard computers; ADCS software; payloads for Earth observation, meteorology, remote sensing, aviation and maritime tracking, and science; TT&C transceivers; payload data transmiters; thermal control systems; heat pipes; electrical heaters; temperature sensors; multilayer insulation; monopole, horn, patch, dish and helical antennas; antenna pointing nechanisms; gyroscopes; magnetometers; sun sensors; star trackers; GPS receivers; reaction wheels; magnetorquers; dc/dc converters; inertial control units; data acquisition units and systems

Dawn Aerospace
propulsion systems and thrusters for cubesats and small satellites

D-Orbit SpA
attitude determination and control systems (ADCS), onboard computers, pyrotechnic control systems, propulsion systems

manufacture of propulsion subsystems, power subsystems, power supplies, dc/dc converters, serial buses, power and data cable harnesses; infra red sensors for missile detection and tracking

Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana (EXA)), Ecuador
CubeSat buses; CubeSat equipment including: patch antennas, magnetorquers, command and data handling subsystems, battery packs and solar arrays

Elecnor Deimos
GNSS receivers; on-board processing for autonomous data capture, processing, and prioritization for Earth Observation satellites; attitude determination and control systems

Frontgrade Gaisler
fault-tolerant, radiation-hardened microprocessors and processors

GAUSS Srl (Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems)
spacecraft structures, TT&C systems, onboard computers, power conditioning and distribution systems and solar panels for small satellites

General Dynamics Mission Systems
GPS receivers; TT&C transponders; telemetry SSPAs; TT&C encryption; primary mirror segments, secondary mirrors and optical components for the James Webb Space Telescope

Grenoble University Space Centre (Centre Spatial Universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG))
experimental communications payloads for CubeSats; spectrometers

Group ACB
manufacturer of rigid and flex-rigid printed circuit boards (PCBs)


IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd.
heat shield ablators; thermal protection materials; re-entry capsules; experimental modules; propulsion systems; thrusters; propellant tanks

ILC Dover
impact bags for spacecraft landing systems

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India
spacecraft structures, thermal systems, mechanisms, power systems, attitude and orbit control systems, digital and RF systems, propulsion systems

ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), India
mechanisms; actuators; inertial navigation systems; mechanical and optical gyros; rate gyro packages; acelerometers

Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), India
attitude sensors; optical systems for remote sensing and meteorological payloads

Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), India
design and manufacture of: propulsion systems for remote sensing and communications satellites, fluid control valves, transducers, sensors, propellant management devices

Space Applications Centre (SAC), India
design and manufacture of communications, navigation and Earth observation payloads; instruments and payloads for scientific satellites and lunar and planetary probes; optical and microwave sensors for satellites

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
magnetometers, magnetotorquers, reaction wheels, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) payloads

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
spacecraft structures, thermal systems, mechanisms, power systems, attitude and orbit control systems, digital and RF systems, propulsion systems

solar array drive mechanisms; antenna pointing mechanisms for LEO data downlink antennas and intersatellite links; drive electronics units; telecommand receivers, telemetry transmitters; frequency synthesisers; reference oscillators; cross-band frequency converters; pre and post processing frequency converters for high throughput satellites (HTS) and very high throughput satellites (VHTS); search and rescue transponders; SAW filters; hybrid amplifiers; data downlink modulators;

Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), South Korea
payloads for astronomical satellites; near infrared cameras; near infrared imaging spectrometers

L3Harris Technologies
omnidirectional conical spiral antennas (TT&C and GPS); helical antennas (telemetry); meteorological imaging instruments and payloads; commercial imaging payloads; precision pointing and navigation systems; inertial reference units; infrared sounders; mesh reflector antennas; truss reflector antennas; spacecraft structures; TT&C transponders; radiometers; positioning, navigation and timing payloads; telemetry transmitters; hosted payload interface units; hosted payloads; signals intelligence and electronic intelligence payloads; environmental imagers; optical, infrared, multispectral and hyperspectral imagers; fourier transform spectrometers; high data rate transmitters; transceivers for data links between spacecraft; encryption and decryption units for TT&C and data links; precision optical systems; optical telescopes; lightweight fast-steering mirrors; optics for autocollimating systems; grating substrates; real time onboard processing systems for remote sensing data; universal space transponders for the transmission of data, video, audio and TT&C data to and from Earth, and the relaying of data to spacecraft deployed on a planetary surface

Liège Space Center (Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL))
optical payloads and instruments; solar telescopes

Materion Corporation
beryllium metals and metal matrix composites (MMCs) for use in spacecraft structures, solar array drives, telescope optics, telescope structures, brackets, gimbals, yokes and mirrors; precision optics; beam splitters; multispectral filter arrays


Media Lario
mirrors for space telescopes (IR to X ray); mirrors and lenses for satellite optical systems; telescopes for Earth observation and astronomical satellites; multispectral and hyperspectral imaging instruments; hyperspectral Earth observation payloads; optical assemblies for laser optical communications; x-ray optical assemblies

Mitsubishi Electric Space Systems
DS2000 spacecraft bus; solar array panels and wings; structural panels; heat pipe panels; lithium-ion batteries; telemetry transmitters; beacon transmitters; solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs); low noise amplifiers (LNAs); receivers; up and down converters

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
reaction control systems (RCS); temperature sensors

MT Aerospace
propellant tanks; satellite central structure

Nanowave Technologies Inc.
low noise amplifiers (LNAs); waveguide filters; integrated SSPA/LNA transmit/receive assemblies; thin film components; transceivers for satcoms and radar payloads

Ames Research Center (ARC), USA
design and manufacture of space biology payloads for the ISS and for satellites; entry systems for re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and entry into the atmospheres of other planets such as Mars and Venus

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), USA
design and manufacture of instruments for scientific spacecraft

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA
design and manufacture of instruments for scientific spacecraft

National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)), Brazil
platforms and payloads for Earth observation and remote sensing


Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), The Netherlands
X-ray filters; X-ray calibration sources; X-ray detector arrays and read-out; X-ray transmission gratings; terahertz imaging cameras; terahertz mixers; transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters; optical mechanisms control unit; infra red spectrometers

Northrop Grumman
satellite buses; bus structures; towers; structural subsystems; structural panels; antenna reflectors; precision optical support structures; precision pointing mechanisms; mechanisms and actuators; deployable booms and masts; articulating masts; solar arrays; solar array drive assemblies; apogee kick motors; propellant tanks; thrusters; radiometers; hyperspectral imaging systems; heat pipes; radiators; multi-layer insulation (MLI) blankets; cryogenic cooling systems

NPC Spacemind
CubeSat structures (from 1U to 12U); CubeSat solar panels; deorbiting sails; CubeSat electrical power systems; CubeSat buses

Oceaneering Space Systems
robotic systems

Officina Stellare
telescopes for Earth imaging

Optical Surfaces
space telescope mirrors; grisms; lenses; mirrors for optical instruments

Orion Space Solutions, LLC (OSS)
SmallSat power distribution units; ionospheric sounding dual frequency GNSS receivers; remote sensing sensors

Orora Technologies GmbH (OroraTech)
thermal imaging cameras

Parabilis Space Technologies
small spacecraft buses; bus structures; propulsion systems; thrusters; power systems

GNSS radio occultation (GNSS-RO) receivers

Quantic BEI
optical encoders

RAL Space
blackbody calibration targets; terahertz cryogenic receivers; GaAs Schottky diodes; optical filters; frequency multipliers; spectrometers; mixers; multi-layer insulation; photomixers; quasioptical components; terahertz and millimetre wave receivers and radiometers; charge coupled device (CCD) detectors; CMOS active pixel sensors; Earth observation cameras; X-ray spectrometers

Revolution Space
ion beam thrusters

Rocket Lab
star trackers; reaction wheels; TT&C radios; flight software; solar panels

SCOUT Space Inc.
flight software for autonomous spacecraft operation including pose estimation, relative navigation, docking assistance, multi-object threat detection and collision avoidance; in-orbit inspection systems for autonomous approach and docking

SENER Aeroespacial
deployable systems; high precision pointing and positioning systems; sweeping systems; gripping and release systems; rotary actuators; filter wheels; instrument power supplies; instrument control electronics; proximity electronics for detectors; antennas; attitude and orbit control systems (AOCS); guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems; dc/dc converters

Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST)
spacecraft buses; solar arrar drive assemblies; AIS receiver systems; microwave imagers; avionics computers; integrated control and data equipment; sun sensors; star sensors; inertial sensors; reaction wheels; Li-ion batteries; TT&C systems; heat pipes; solar cells; solar arrays; TT&C antennas; data transmission antennas; solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs); data transmission units

Sierra Space
deployable booms; electrical power systems; solar arrays, solar array drive assemblies; precision pointing mechanisms

Space and Earth Observation Centre
atmospheric sensors, microprocessors and flight software

Space Flight Laboratory (SFL)
CubeSat, microsat and smallsat buses; propulsion systems for CubeSats and small satellites

SpaceWorks Enterprises Inc.
re-entry capsules for payload return from space/orbit and for use as a thermal protection system testbed; docking and connection devices

encryption units using quantum keys

12U Cubesat and 200kg spacecraft buses; Hall thrusters; star trackers; magnetotorquers; electrical power systems; battery packs; solar panels; reaction wheels

Spire Global
CubeSat buses

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)
CubeSat and small satellite buses; GNSS receivers; reaction wheels

Taiwan Space Agency (TASA), Taiwan
onboard computers; power control units; GPS receivers; fibre optic gyros; Earth observation payloads

Teledyne e2v
microelectronics including: analogue to digital converrters (ADCs), digital to analogue converters (DACs), microprocessors, DDR4 RAM


UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC)
instruments for space telescopes

URA Thrusters
Hall effect thrusters; microwave electrothermal thrusters (MET)


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