Space Agencies

Governmental and international agencies responsible for space research, developing satellite technology and encouraging the space industry.


African Space Agency (AfSA)
promotion of cooperation between the space policies of the African Union's member states

Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO)
promotion of cooperation between developing countries in the Asia Pacific region in the peaceful use of space

European Space Agency (ESA)
Earth observation; space exploration; human spaceflight; communication, navigation and quantum technology; space transportation; robotics; space system technology

European Astronauts Centre (EAC)
selecting and training ESA astronauts; maintaining astronaut health, fitness and proficiency; training non-ESA astronauts to operate European hardware on the ISS; providing medical care and support to astronauts; communication with astronauts onboard the ISS; training European ground control personnel

European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT)
facilitates research and development of space based communications; developing infrastructure for lunar communications and navigation; support for European entrepreneurs; coordination of climate change activities; support for space exploration activities

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
operator of the instruments on ESA’s planetary and astronomical spacecraft; hosts the archive of scientific data from ESA’s planetary and astronomical spacecraft; hosts three TT&C antennas for ESTRACK; performs payload processing for ESA’s SMOS spacecraft as well as receiving the scientific data from the spacecraft and diseminating it

European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)
operator of ESA’s spacecraft for planetary science, Earth observation, astronomy, fundamental physics, exploration and space safety

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
develops and manages ESA space missions for science, exploration, telecommunications, human spaceflight, satellite navigation and Earth observation; operates and environmental test centre for spacecraft

European Space Research Institute (ESRIN)
operation of ESA’s Earth observation satellites and their payloads; acquisition and distribution of date from Earth observation satellites; hosts ESA’s Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre (NEOCC); archives the technical and manegement records of all completed ESA projects

European Space Security and Education Centre (ESEC)
centre of excellence for space cyber security services; operation of ESA’s Proba mission; hosts Space Weather Data Centre; hosts ESA Education Training Centre; hosts part of ESA’s ground station network

European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
operational management of the EGNOS and Galileo satellite navigation programs; promotion of Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus services; security of the EU space program; coordination of user aspects of the GOVSATCOM government satellite communications program; dissemination of space surveillance and tracking data


Algerian Space Agency (Agence Spatiale Algerienne (ASAL)), Algeria
responsible for the Algerian space program and development of Algerian space capabilities; operates Algerian national satellites; provides communications services using the Alcomsat-1 satellite


National Space Program Office (Gabinete de Gestão do Programa Espacial Nacional (GGPEN)), Angola
operation of the ANGOSAT communications satellites and lease of capacity on the satellites; Earth observation


National Commission for Space Activities (Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE)), Argentina
design, manufacture, launching and operation of Earth observation satellites (both optical and SAR); developing the Tronador II and Tronador III launch vehicles; reception, processing and dissemination data from Earth observation satellites; regulation of launch vehicles and spacecraft launched from Argentinian territory, and the regulation of Argentinian spacecraft; monitoring re-entry of space objects

Manuel Belgrano Space Centre (Centro Espacial Manuel Belgrano), Argentina
future launch site for the Tronador II and III launch vehicles

Punta Indio Space Centre (Centro Espacial Punta Indio), Argentina
developing the Tronador II and Tronador III launch vehicles to launch up to 750 kg into polar orbit; launch site for experimental launch vehicles; test facility for launch vehicles

Teófilo Tabanera Space Center (Centro Espacial Teófilo Tabanera (CETT), Argentina
development of liquid fuel rocket motors; production of hypergolic fuels and oxidants; development of launcher avionics; development and production of ablative materials for use in combustion chambers and nozzles

Cordoba Ground Station (Estación Terrena Córdoba (ETC)), Argentina
reception, processing and dissemination data from Earth observation satellites

Integration and Testing Laboratory (Laboratorio de Integración y Ensayos (LIE)), Argentina
integration and test facilities for launchers and spacecraft

Mission Control Center (Centro de Control de Misión (CCM)), Argentina
operation of Earth observation satellites (both optical and SAR)

Space Qualification and Product Assurance Laboratory (Laboratorio de Espacialización y Aseguramiento), Argentina
inspection of electronic parts; manufacturing and failure analyses; performance evaluation; qualification of COTS components for flight use; production of electronic prototypes; process analysis; polymer circuit applications; training centre for electronic and electrical production technicians and inspectors

DS3 Malargue Station (Estación DS3 Malargue), Argentina
TT&C support for ESA deep space missions

Tierra del Fuego Earth Station (Estación Terrena de Tierra del Fuego), Argentina
TT&C support and data reception from CONAE Earth observation and remote sensing spacecraft


Armenia Space Agency (ArmCosmos), Armenia
development of Armenia’s space industry


Australian Space Agency, Australia
promotion of Australia's space industry


Aeronautics and Space Agency (Agentur für Luft- und Raumfahrt der FFG (ALR)), Austria
promotion of Austria's space industry; implementation of national aerospace policy


Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency (NASA) (Azərbaycan Milli Aerokosmik Agentliyi (MAKA)), Azerbaijan
implementation of national space research policy and national aerospace programs; coordination of international projects; application of space technology


Bahrain National Space Science Agency (NSSA), Bahrain
utilisation space technologies for national development; promotion of space science and applications; development of advanced space research programs; creation of a space sector in Bahrain


Space Research and Remote Sensing Organisation (SPARRSO), Bangladesh
use and development of space and remote sensing technology in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, geology, mapping, water resources, land use,meteorology, environment, geography, oceanography and education; monitoring and forecasting natural disasters


Belarus Space Agency (National Agency for Space Research), Belarus
coordination of space research programs


Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), Belgium
management of scientific research in Belgium

Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy - Interfederal Space Agency of Belgium (BIRA-IASB), Belgium
research into the physics and chemistry of the Earth’s and other planets’ atmospheres


Bolivian Space Agency (Agencia Boliviana Espacial (ABE)), Bolivia
operation of the Túpac Katari-1 communications satellite; provision of satellite communications services; remote sensing and Earth observation


Brazilian Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Brasileira (AEB)), Brazil
formulating, coordinating and executing Brazilian Space Policy; regulation of launch vehicles and spacecraft launched from Brazilian territory, and the regulation of Brazilian spacecraft; licencing authority for launches from Brazilian territory

National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)), Brazil
space research and exploration; design and development of satellites, platforms and payloads; operation of Brazilian national satellites; satellite integration and test; weather forecasting and climate change research; Earth observation


Space Research and Technology Institute - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS), Bulgaria
research into space physics, remote sensing, and aerospace systems and technologies


Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Canada
human spaceflight; scientific, astronomical and planetary research; Earth observation; development of space technology and applications; operator of the Radarsat Constellation Mission satellites

David Florida Laboratory, Canada
spacecraft integration and test


China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), China
administration of China’s manned space program

China National Space Administration (CNSA), China
governing body for Chinese civil space activities

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (JSLC), China
launch site

Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC), China
launch site

Wenchang Space Launch Site, China
launch site

Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC), China
launch site


Colombian Space Agency (Agencia Espacial de Colombia (AEC)), Colombia
development of satellite technology and services in Colombia

Colombian Space Commission (Comision Colombiana Del Espacio (CCE)), Colombia
promotion and development of space technology

Costa Rica

Costa Rican Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Costarricense (ACE)), Costa Rica
space research


Czech Space Office (CSO) (Česká kosmická kancelář), Czechia
development of space activities in Czechia


Ministry of Higher Education and Science (Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet), Denmark
responsible for Denmark’s international cooperation activities on space


Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana (EXA)), Ecuador
manufacture of equipment for CubeSats including: CubeSat buses, antenna systems, attitude and control systems, communication systems, onboard computers, power systems and solar panels;


Egyptian Space Agency (EGSA), Egypt
development of an Egyptian space capability

National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt
promotes the use of the state of the art space technology and earth observations for the sustainable development of Egypt; development of sensors and satellite subsystems

El Salvador



Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES), France
responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy

CNES Headquarters, France
administrative headquarters

CNES Paris Daumesnil, France
management of launch vehicle projects

Toulouse Space Centre (Centre Spatial de Toulouse (CST)), France
management of spacecraft projects


Gabonese Studies and Space Observations Agency (Agence Gabonaise d’Etudes et d’Observations Spatiales (AGEOS)), Gabon
acquisition, processing, analysis and provision of Earth Observation (EO) data for sustainable environmental management, natural resources, land use, land use planning, research and innovation


German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR)), Germany
Earth observation; space exploration; research under space conditions; communication, navigation and quantum technology; space transportation; robotics; space system technology

Center for Lightweight Production Technology (Zentrum für Leichtbauproduktionstechnologie (ZLP)), DLR
research into the automated production of carbon-fibre-reinforced-plastic (CFRP) components

Galileo Competence Center, DLR
research into navigation techniques

Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing, DLR
research into quantum technologies, quantum sensor technology, geodic applications, reference systems in space and time, and quantum based navigation solutions

Institute for Software Technology, DLR
research into software engineering technologies including software for distributed systems and intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, software technologies for embedded systems, visualization, and high-performance computing

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR
research into the physics and chemistry of the global atmosphere from the Earth's surface up to the upper boundary of the middle atmosphere at about 120 km height

Institute of Communications and Navigation, DLR
research into global connectivity, global positioning, autonomy and cooperation, and cybersecurity for radio systems

Institute of Data Science, DLR
research into data management, data analysis and data acquisition

Institute of Materials Physics in Space, DLR
research into the properties of melts and their solidification on all length scales using theoretical and experimental methods

Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, DLR
research into active and passive optical sensor systems

Institute of Planetary Research, DLR
research into exoplanets; research into the atmosphere, internal structure, formation and evolution of planets, their moons, asteroids and comets; research into planetary sensor systems

Institute of Quantum Technologies, DLR
development of precision instruments for space applications based on quantum technologies

Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR
development of a wide array of robots to enable humans to interact more safely and efficiently with their surrounding environments

Institute of Space Medicine, DLR
Research into the medical and psychological challenges to individuals directly or indirectly involved in space flight including sleep, circadian rhythm, muscle and bone metabolism, cardiovascular control, and microbiology

Institute of Space Propulsion, DLR
development and operation of rocket engine test stands

Institute of Space Systems, DLR
design and analysis of future space missions (launchers, orbital and exploration systems, and satellites)

Institute of System Dynamics and Control (SR), DLR
application of advanced control methods for space robots and space flight systems

Microwaves and Radar Institute, DLR
research into space-borne sensors; conception and development of new synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques and systems

Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF), DLR
research into remote sensing technology

Responsive Space Cluster Competence Center (RSC3), DLR
establishing the required technology base for a Responsive Space Capability and conducting technology demonstrations

Robotics and Mechatronics Center (RMC), DLR
research into robotics, mechatronics and optical systems

Space Operations and Astronaut Training, DLR
operator of communications, Earth observation and scientific satellites, interplanetary probes and manned spacecraft; astronaut training; manned mission planning and operations; developing and operating sounding rockets; flight dynamics services; lunar and Mars analogue facility; mission planning


Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute (GSSTI), Ghana
satellite communications; radio astronomy; astrophysics; remote sensing


Hellenic Space Centre (HSC), Greece
development of a space strategy for Greece; management of national space programs and projects; development of space technology and applications


Hungarian Space Office (HSO) (Magyar Ürkutatási Iroda), Hungary
manages, coordinates and represents Hungarian space activities


Iceland Space Agency (ISA), Iceland
development of Iceland based research and innovation initiatives; advise on space policy; provide operational logistics and research support to foreign organisations using Iceland for space science research and technology development


promoting and marketing products and services from the Indian space programme

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India
development and operation of communications, remote sensing and scientific satellites; development and operation of lunar and planetary probes; development and operation of launch vehicles

Human Space Flight Centre (HSFC), India
development of a human spaceflight capability

Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), India
researching Earth observation and remote sensing technologies and applications

ISRO HQ, India
coordination of satellite communications, Earth observation, launch vehicle, space science and disaster management projects; contracts management; international cooperation

ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), India
design and development of inertial navigation systems for launchers and spacecraft; design and development of actuators and mechanisms for spacecraft

ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), India
design and manufacture of rocket engines; design and manufacture of launch vehicle stages; high altitude testing of launch vehicle upper stage engines and spacecraft thrusters; production of cryogenic propellants

ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), India
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for all of ISRO’s launch vehicles and spacecraft including deep space missions

Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), India
design and manufacture of: liquid propulsion stages for launch vehicles, propulsion systems for remote sensing and communications satellites, fluid control valves, transducers, sensors, propellant management devices

Master Control Facility (MCF), India
monitoring and control of all of ISRO’s geostationary satellites throughout their lifetime

National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), India
optical imagery and remote sensing data acquisition, processing and dissemination; support for disaster management

Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, India
operation of a launch site for ISRO’s PSLV and GSLV launch vehicles as well as sounding rockets; solid propellant processing; static testing of solid rocket motors; launch vehicle integration; launch operations; range operations; assembly, integration and launch of sounding rockets and their payloads

Space Applications Centre (SAC), India
design and manufacture of communications, navigation and Earth observation payloads; instruments and payloads for scientific satellites and lunar and planetary probes; optical and microwave sensors for satellites; signal and image processing software; GIS software; Earth observation applications

UR Rao Satellite Center (URSC), India
design and manufacture of spacecraft for communications, navigation, meteorology, remote sensing, space science and interplanetary exploration; satellite integration and test

Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), India
design and manufacture of attitude sensors; design and manufacture of optical systems for remote sensing and meteorological payloads

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), India
design and development of launch vehicles; research and development in aeronautics, avionics, materials, mechanisms, vehicle integration, chemicals, propulsion, space ordnance, structures, space physics and systems reliability

National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe), India
promotion of private sector involvement in Indian space activities


Indonesian Space Agency (INASA), Indonesia
development of Indonesian space policy

Research Organization for Aeronautics and Space (Organisasi Riset Penerbangan dan Antariksa (ORPA)), Indonesia
space research


Iranian Space Agency (ISA), Iran
design, manufacture and operation of launch vehicles; operation of launch sites; design, manufacture and operation of satellites for communications, Earth imaging, remote sensing, military use and technology demonstration

Iran Space Research Center (ISRC), Iran
development of spacecraft and launcher technology; training


Israel Space Agency (ISA), Israel
initiates, leads and coordinates civilian space activities in Israel


Italian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)), Italy
funds and coordinates Italian space research and exploration activities, launcher development; Earth observation and human spaceflight

ASI Space Center in Matera (Centro Spaziale dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (CGS)), Italy
space geodesy; Earth observation data reception, processing and dissemination; operation of the COSM-SkyMed constellation of SAR satellites; quantum telecommunications; tracking space debris; time and frequency metrology

Luigi Broglio Malindi Space Center (Centro Spaziale Luigi Broglio), Kenya
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for launch vehicles and spacecraft; LEOP support services; Earth observation data reception, processing and disemination

Sardinia Deep Space Antenna (SDSA), Italy
provides TT&C, communications and navigational services for lunar, interplanetary and deep space missions

Space Science Data Center (SSDC), Italy
scientific spacecraft operations; storing, processing and distributing data from scientific spacecraft


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
space research; development of space technology; spacecraft and launch vehicle design and testing; spacecraft launches; space exploration; human spaceflight

Bisei Space Guard Center (BSGC), Japan
tracks near Earth asteroids, satellites, rocket stages and orbital debris

Chofu Aerospace Center, Japan
development of space technology

Earth Observation Center (EOC), Japan
Earth observation data reception, processing and dissemination

Earth Observation Research Center (EORC), Japan
analyse data acquired by Earth observation satellites; develop algorithms to derive geophysical parameters; calibrate and validate satellite data; research Earth observation sensors and ground data handling systems

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan
research into astrophysics, solar physics and planetary science; use of microgravity for research; development of space technology to support research activities

Kakuda Space Center (KSPC), Japan
development and testing of rocket engines and space propulsion systems

Kamisaibara Space Guard Center (KSGC), Japan
tracks near Earth asteroids, satellites, rocket stages and orbital debris

Katsuura Tracking and Communications Station, Japan
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for spacecraft

Masuda Tracking and Communications Center, Japan
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for launch vehicles and spacecraft

Ogasawara Downrange Station, Japan
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for launch vehicles

Okinawa Tracking and Communications Station, Japan
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for spacecraft

Regional Satellite Applications Center for Disaster Management, Japan
use of Earth observation data for disaster preparation and management

Satellite Applications and Operations Center (SAOC), Japan
promotion of the utilisation of data from Earth observation satellites; development and operation of ground systems for Earth observation satellite control, data processing, data storage and data provision

Taiki Aerospace Research Field, Japan
launch of balloons carrying space science payloads

Tanegashima Space Center (TNSC), Japan
operator of the Yoshibobu Launch Complex; assembly of launch vehicles; spacecraft integration; launch; tracking of launch vehicles after liftoff

Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC), Japan
development and operation of Earth observation satellites; analysis of Earth observation data; development of launch vehicles; human spaceflight

Uchinoura Space Center (USC), Japan
launch of scientific satellites on the Epsilon launch vehicle; launch of balloons carrying scientific payloads; provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services and data acquisition for interplanetary spacecraft

Usuda Deep Space Center, Japan
provides telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services and data acquisition for interplanetary spacecraft


National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KazCosmos), Kazakhstan
introduction of space technology, products and services for the benefit of Kazakhstan


Kenya Space Agency (KSA), Kenya
promotion, coordination and regulation of space related activities in Kenya


Lithuanian Space Office (MITA), Lithuania
promotion and development of Lithuanian space sector; preparation for Lithuania’s membership of the European Space Agency


Luxembourg Space Agency, Luxembourg
promotion of the commercial space sector in Luxembourg


Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA), Malaysia
implementation of national space policy; coordinating space sector research and development; satellite data procurement and provision; provision of space system testing and calibration services; implementation and coordination of space exploration activities; international cooperation


Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), Malta
coordination and governance of space related matters in Malta


Mexican Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)), Mexico
promotion of international scientific activities and the development of space technology to meet Mexico’s social needs


National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Mongolia
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution


Royal Centre for Remote Sensing (Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS)), Morocco
promotion of remote sensing applications and related technologies


National Aerospace Laboratory (Nationaal Lucht-en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR)), The Netherlands
technical support for the development and testing of launch vehicles, spacecraft and applications

Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), The Netherlands
development of advanced technology and space instruments, and uses them to perform fundamental astrophysical research, Earth science and exoplanetary research

Netherlands Space Office (NSO), The Netherlands
advise upon and realise Netherlands national space policy; support for the Netherlands space industry

New Zealand

New Zealand Space Agency (NZSA), New Zealand
implementation of space policy in New Zealand; regulation of space activities; promotion of New Zealand’s space sector

Xerra Earth Observation Institute, New Zealand
analysis of Earth observation and remote sensing data


National Secretariat for Extraterrestrial Space Affairs, The Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Secretaría Nacional para Asuntos del Espacio Ultraterrestre, la Luna y otros Cuerpos Celestes), Nicaragua
promotion of development of space activities


National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria
development of space technology and applications; Earth observations; satellite communications; satellite operations

North Korea

National Aerospace Technology Administration (NATA), North Korea
development of space technology, launch site operator; design, manufacture and operation of launch vehicles; design, manufacture and operation of satellites for communications, Earth observation and military reconnaissance

State Space Development Bureau, North Korea
development of space science and technology


Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) (Norsk Romsenter), Norway
coordination of Norwegian space policy; development of the Norwegian space industry


Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), Pakistan
research and development in space science, technology and applications; Earth observation; satellite operations; Earth observation data acquisition, processing and distribution; radio and optical astronomy; space weather; design and manufacture of Earth observation, remote sensing and communications satellites; satellite navigation; microgravity research


Paraguayan Space Agency (Agencia Especial del Paraguay (AEP)), Paraguay
promotion, management and development of national space activities; promotion of technological innovation


National Aerospace Research and Development Commission (Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacia (CONIDA)), Peru
promotion, research and development of space science and technology; Earth observation; manufacture and launch of sounding rockets


Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA), Philippines
development and implementation of national space policy; coordinate space activities in the Philippines; promote the development of a Philippine space industry

Philippine Space Council (PSC), Philippines
coordination and integration of policies, programs and resources affecting space science and technology applications


Polish Space Agency (POLSA) (Polska Agencja Kosmiczna), Poland
provides support for the Polish space industry and promotes the development of space technology



Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) (Agenției Spațiale Române), Romania
coordinates Romania’s national space technology research programs and space research related activities


State Space Corporation of the Russian Federation (Roscosmos), Russia
spacecraft launches; human spaceflight; space research


Rwanda Space Agency (RSA), Rwanda
development of Rwanda’s space sector; regulation and coordination of space activities in Rwanda

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Space Agency (SSA), Saudi Arabia
development of and support for the space sector in Saudi Arabia


Office for Space Technology and Industry (OSTin), Singapore
development of space technology; promotion of space activities in Singapore


Slovak Space Office, Slovakia
international cooperation; development of space activities in Slovakia

South Africa

South Africa Council for Space Affairs (SACSA), South Africa
management and regulation of space affairs in South Africa; implementation of South African space policy

South African National Space Agency (SANSA), South Africa
promotion of the use of space and cooperation in space-related activities supporting research in space science, advancing scientific engineering and space technologies

South Korea

Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), South Korea
research and development of systems and core technologies for launch vehicles and spacecraft; test facilities for spacecraft and launch vehicles; launch site operator; Earth observation

Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), South Korea
research into astronomy and space science; payloads for astronomical satellites and sounding rockets


Catalan Space Agency, Spain

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), Spain
promotion of innovation and technological development of Spanish companies

Spanish Space Agency (Agencia Espacial Española (AEE)), Spain
management of national space policies; coordination of space services and activities

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Aeronautics and Space Agency (SLASA), Sri Lanka


Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), Sudan
research and development in space science, space technology and aerospace engineering

Remote Sensing and Seismology Authority (RSSA), Sudan
research in the field of remote sensing, geo-informatics and GPS technology applications for natural resources, environment and disasters


Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) (Rymdstyrelsen), Sweden
responsible for national and international activities relating to space and remote sensing, primarily research and development


Swiss Space Office (SSO), Switzerland
development and implementation Swiss national space policy


Syrian Space Agency, Syria

General Organization of Remote Sensing (GORS), Syria
land surveying using remote sensing techniques; analyzing remote sensing data to identify natural resources for exploitation; performing environmental studies


Taiwan Space Agency (TASA), Taiwan
enhancing Taiwan’s space technology research and development capabilities; implementing national space policies and plans; promoting Taiwan’s space activities; development of the space industry in Taiwan; design and manufacture of spacecraft


Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand (GISTDA), Thailand
development of space technology and geo-informatics applications; spacecraft operations; Earth observation


Tunisian National Commission for Outer Space Affairs (NCOSA), Tunisia
coordination of Tunisia’s activities in the development of space technologies

Tunisian Space Agency, Tunisia
promotion of space activities in Syria


Turkish Space Agency (Türkiye Uzay Ajansi (TUA)), Turkey
preparation of strategic plans for the development of space technology in Turkey; supports the development and dissemination of space science and technologies


UAE Space Agency, UAE
to organise, regulate and support the space sector in the UAE; encourage the development and use of space science and technology


UK Space Agency, UK
provides support to the UK space industry


State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU), Ukraine
organisation and development of space activities in Ukraine


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA
study of the Earth, the sun, the solar system; space science; astronomy and astrophysics; develop and fund space technology

NASA Headquarters, USA
provides overall guidance and direction to NASA

Ames Research Center (ARC), USA
supercomputing; simulations of launch vehicle and spacecraft performance; wind tunnel testing of launch vehicles, spacecraft and parachutes; space biology and astrobiology; design, development and operation of space biology payloads for the ISS and for satellites; design, manufacture and operation of SmallSats for LEO and lunar missions; formation flying missions; entry systems for re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and entry into the atmospheres of other planets such as Mars and Venus; thermal protection material development; heat shield design and testing; research into intelligent and adaptive systems; astrophysics; astrochemistry; planetary science; Earth science

Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual Institute
promotion of small spacecraft technology and best practices

Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC), USA
manages launch abort systems testing and integration; promotes rapid demonstration of technologies for space exploration and space commerce

Glenn Research Center (GRC), USA
wind tunnel testing of launch vehicles; microgravity testing; lunar and planetary surface simulation;

Neil Armstrong Test Facility, USA
vacuum and thermal vacuum testing; acoustic testing; vibration testing; EMC/EMI testing; simulated in space propulsion testing; large scale liquid hydrogen equipment and systems testing

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), USA
operations of scientific spacecraft; communications with the ISS; design and manufacture of scientific spacecraft and instruments for scientific spacecraft; operates spacecraft test facilities; research into astronomy, astrophysics, Earth and planetary science

Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), USA
research into the structure of Earth, Moon, and other planetary bodies, the atmospheres of Earth and the other planets, the origin and evolution of the solar system, the properties of interplanetary plasma,Sun-Earth relations, and the structure and evolution of stars

Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility
improves software safety, reliability and quality for NASA programs and missions

Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), USA
launch site for high altitude balloons, sounding rockets and launch vehicles

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA
design and manufacture of planetary and lunar probes, scientific spacecraft and Earth science satellites; design and manufacture of instruments for scientific spacecraft; operation of planetary probes; research into Earth science, planetary science, astrophysics and space science

White Sands Test Facility (WSTF)
testing of propulsion systems, oxygen systems and composite pressure systems

Kennedy Space Center (KSC), USA
spaceport for manned missions, government and commercial launches; research into applied physics, electrostatic, space agriculture, space mining and dust mitigation

Langley Research Center (LaRC), USA
autonomous in-space assembly; entry, descent and landing systems; space habitation; radiation protection; structures and materials; advanced manufacturing; space mission analysis; design and evaluation of launch vehicles and spacecraft; research into atmospheric science

Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), USA
development of solid and liquid propulsion systems, solar sails, nuclear propulsion, avionics and guidance systems; structural testing; management of payload systems and mission operations; research into Earth science, heliophysics, astrophysics and planetary science

Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF)
manufacturing and assembly of large scale structures and systems, particularly launch vehicles

NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC), USA
performs independent testing, analysis, and assessments of NASA's high-risk projects to ensure safety and mission success

NASA Safety and Center (NSC), USA
safety and mission assurance support for NASA projects and programs

NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC), USA
provides business and administrative support to other NASA centres

Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN)
program office for NASA’s spacecraft communications operations

Stennis Space Center (SSC), USA
rocket propulsion testing; development of autonomous systems

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA
weather forecasting and climate monitoring; coastal, ocean and maritime commerce monitoring

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), USA
maintains extensive archive of oceanic, atmospheric and geophysical data

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), USA
operation of meteorological, environmental monitoring, climate research and space weather satellites; data acquisition, processing and distribution

Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), USA
space weather monitoring and forecasting


Agency for Space Research and Technology (Uzbekosmos), Uzbekistan
development and implementation of national space policy; coordinate space activities in Uzbekistan; promote the commercialisation of space activities


Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales (ABAE)), Venezuala
implementation of national space policies; promote scientific research and technological development in space related activities; satellite communications; Earth observation; satellite operations

Baemari Satellite Ground Control Station (Estación Terrena de Control Satelital (ETCS Baemari)), Venezuela
primary control ground station for ABAE’s Miranda and Sucre satellites

Earth Applications System (Sistema de Aplicaciones Terrestres), Venezuela
processing and distribution of images from ABAE’s Miranda and Sucre satellites

Satellite Support Ground Control Station Luepa (Estación Terrena de Control Satelital de Respaldo Luepa), Venezuela
backup control ground station for ABAE’s Miranda and Sucre satellites


Vietnam National Space Center (VNSC) (Trung tâm Vũ trụ Việt Nam), Vietnam
development of space technology and its applications


Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency (ZINGSA), Zimbabwe
research and development in geospatial science, Earth observation, space engineering, space science, mechatronics, satellite communications, global navigation satellite systems and satellite launches

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