Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

Organisations providing Earth observation and satellite remote sensing data, as well as organisations providing services based on this data

AISTech Space
Earth observation and remote sensing in the IR band providing solutions for agriculture, surface water monitoring, water quality monitoring, fisheries, environmental risk monitoring and maritime security

Arctic Space Centre
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution

Earth observation data provision from its own satellites and analysis

Bolivian Space Agency (Agencia Boliviana Espacial (ABE)), Bolivia
use of imagery and remote sensing date to: monitor agricultural production, monitor forestry and vegetation, study soil use and soil cover, urban and regional mapping, monitoring water resources, monitoring natural disasters

Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales (ABAE)), Venezuala
Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution from ABAE’s Miranda and Sucre satellites (VRSS 1 and 2)

Earth Applications System (Sistema de Aplicaciones Terrestres), Venezuela
processing and distribution of images from ABAE’s Miranda and Sucre Earth observation satellites

Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Canada
Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution

monitoring of icebergs and sea ice, vessels river ice, oil spills

CGI Group Inc.
processing, distribution and analysis of Earth observation data for the health, transportation, public sector, farming, maritime, oil and gas, utilities, trading, finance and insurance sectors

Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co Ltd (CGSTL)
provision of optical Earth observation imagery

Elecnor Deimos
Earth station hosting and colocation services

Ethiopian Space Science and Geospatial Institute (ESSGI), Ethiopia
Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution

Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand (GISTDA), Thailand
Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution; provision of Earth imagery

Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute (GSSTI), Ghana
provision and analysis of remote sensing data

Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos
provision of SAR radar imagery from its PAZ satellite

National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), India
optical imagery and remote sensing data acquisition from ISRO satellites and subsequent processing and dissemination; support for disaster management

ASI Space Center in Matera (Centro Spaziale dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (CGS)), Italy
Earth observation data reception, processing and dissemination

Luigi Broglio Malindi Space Center (Centro Spaziale Luigi Broglio), Kenya
Earth observation data reception, processing and dissemination

Earth Observation Center (EOC), Japan
Earth observation data reception, processing and dissemination

Regional Satellite Applications Center for Disaster Management, Japan
use of Earth observation data for disaster preparation and management

Satellite Applications and Operations Center (SAOC), Japan
operation of ground systems for Earth observation satellite data processing, data storage and data provision

Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), South Korea
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution

L3Harris Technologies
provision of satellite imagery (optical and SAR), digital elevation models, digital vector maps, 3D city models and visual terrain simulations

Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA), Malaysia
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution


Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC), UAE
Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution

Cordoba Ground Station (Estación Terrena Córdoba (ETC)), Argentina
reception, processing and dissemination data from Earth observation satellites

Tierra del Fuego Earth Station (Estación Terrena de Tierra del Fuego), Argentina
data reception from CONAE Earth observation and remote sensing spacecraft

National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)), Brazil
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), USA
maintains extensive archive of oceanic, atmospheric and geophysical data

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), USA
remote sensing data acquisition, processing and distribution

National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), India
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage, distribution and analysis

National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Mongolia
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution

National Space Program Office (Gabinete de Gestão do Programa Espacial Nacional (GGPEN)), Angola
provision and analysis of Earth observation and remote sensing data

National Satellite Data Centre (NSDC)
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution

National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), Nigeria
operates two EO data reception Earth stations in Nigeria; Earth observation data reception, processing, storage and distribution

Natural Resources Canada, Canada
operates three EO data reception Earth stations across Canada

Orora Technologies GmbH (OroraTech)
wildfire detection and monitoring

Space and Earth Observation Centre
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution; remote sensing of greenhouse gases

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), Pakistan
Earth observation and remote sensing data reception, processing, storage and distribution; monitoring of agriculture, forestry, water resources, the environment; disaster management; urban planning and management; cryosphere modeling; geology and mineral prospecting

Spire Global
measurement of ocean wind speed, soil moisture, flood inundation and sea ice using GNSS scatterometry and precise altimetry (GNSS-R)

Taiwan Space Agency (TASA), Taiwan
reception, processing and dissemination data from Earth observation and remote sensing satellites; provision of Earth imagery from the Formosat series of satellites

Xerra Earth Observation Institute, New Zealand
analysis of Earth observation and remote sensing data

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