Scientific Equipment and Software

Companies which manufacture, supply or lease ground segment equipment and software intended for the professional scientific market

Added Value Solutions (AVS)
instrumentation for astrophysics including optomechanics, optical design, mechatronics, control engineering, shutters, fibre units, fibre positioners, cryogenic mechanisms, spectrograph optomechanics, high vacuum chambers, cryostats, instrument rotators, elevation axis systems, and hydrostatic systems for azimuth rotations

ADS International
deformable mirrors, hexapods and linear actuators for astronomical observatories

Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems (AMOS)
astronomical telescopes; solar telescopes; tracking and monitoring telescopes; rotators; mirror assemblies; active and passive mirror cells, telescope mounts; mirror handling systems; mirror washing machines; astronomical instruments; spectrometers

medium and large telescopes for professional astronomy including telescopes for night observation, solar telescopes and tracking/monitoring telescopes; telescope opto-mechanical subsystems including adaptors and rotators, mirror assemblies, active and passive mirror cells, focal plane systems, high precision pointing and tracking systems, telescope mounts, cable wraps; telescope instruments such as spectrometers; auxiliary systems for telescopes including mirror handling systems and washing machines

astronomical cameras

BAE Systems
optical systems for astronomical observatories

Bertin Winlight
image slicers; spectrographs; collimators; lenses; derotators

Celestia Callisto
equipment and software for radio astronomy and VLBI observatories including LNAs, RF measurement and control software, cryogenic systems

protective coatings; metallic coatings; dielectric coatings; black coatings

telescope mirror and lens blanks

Electro Optic Systems (EOS)
astronomical telecsopes; telescope enclosures

Forest City Gear Company
gears for telescope drives

Kiwistar Optics
large telescope mirrors and lenses; prisms; filters; cameras; image slicers; spectrographs; astronomical instruments

L3Harris Technologies
optical telescopes; mirrors; mirror cell assemblies

Materion Corporation
custom bandpass filters; reflective and antireflective coatings for optical components

Media Lario
glass and metallic telescope mirrors and mirror panels

Micromega Dynamics
optical telescope mirror shaping actuators

Mitsubishi Electric Space Systems
optical telescopes; radio telescopes

Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), The Netherlands
radio telescope receivers; terahertz imaging cameras

NPC Spacemind
telescope mounts and high performance tracking systems for professional astronomical observatories

Officina Stellare
optical telescopes from UV to SWIR; mirrors and lenses;

Optical Surfaces
mirrors for optical instruments, aspheric plates; lenses; fold flats; prisms

Oxford Instruments
astronomical telescope focal plane cameras; cameras for adaptive optics

PlaneWave Instruments
optical telescopes and observatory domes; mounts and gimbals; adaptive optics; spectrographs; cameras; filter wheels; instrument selectors

radio telescopes

SENER Aeroespacial
active mirror cells for large primary mirrors; alignment systems for large mirrors; image stabilisation systems to correct for the effects of vibration and wind; secondary mirrors; telescope instrument rotation systems: telescope subsystem positioning systems; mirror segment manipulator systems for segment removal and reinstallation during maintenance; mirror maintenance systems; filter wheels and control electronics; optical mounts; optical correction systems; calibration system for radio telecopes

Teledyne e2v
focal plane arrays; astronomical cameras

UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC)
optical telescopes; cameras and spectroscopes for astronomical observatories

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