Operational Equipment and Software

Companies which manufacture, supply or lease ground segment equipment and software intended for the professional space operations market

Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company (ALTEC)
design and development of the Rover Operations Control Centre and the Science Operations Centre for ESA’s Exomars mission; design and development of data centres for the management and storage of Science Big Data for ESA’s Gaia, Euclid and METIS missions

AI based ground software for satellite predictive maintenance and real time analysis; software for satellite-to-satellite communications

ai Solutions Inc
astrodynamics software for mission design, planning, operations and space situational awareness

Alba Orbital Ltd
ground stations for small satellites

Alén Space
ground stations for small satellites

tracking/monitoring telescopes; telescope mounts

Systems Tool Kit (STK) modelling software for analyzing space mission performance

Antesky Science Technology Inc
full motion TT&C and data reception antennas

design and construction of spacecraft control and operations centres

Azista Aerospace
earth station indoor units; demodulators; downconverters; IF distribution units; multi-channel burst demodulators

BAE Systems
optical communications terminals; electronically steerable array (ERA) TT&C antennas

BridgeComm, Inc.
optical ground stations for data downlinking, TT&C and space domain awareness (SDA)

Bright Ascension Ltd.
mission control software

ultra low noise amplifiers; ambient; temperature LNAs; MMIC LNAs; redundancy switching for LNAs; radiometers for noise measurement in ground systems; RF measurement and control software

development of systems to provide monitoring and surveillance of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites; passive and active optical systems for the identification and tracking of resident space objects (RSOs)

CGI Group Inc.
satellite mission software; software simulators for satellite subsystems, ground stations, orbits and the environment to support mission operations preparation, validation and training

Data Patterns (India)
ground stations for small satellites; VHF, UHF and S band antennas; antenna drive systems; antenna controllers; telecommand transmitters; telemetry receivers; payload data receivers; mission control centres; mission control software

D-Orbit SpA
mission control software

Elecnor Deimos
space surveillance and tracking systems

Electro Optic Systems (EOS)
satellite laser ranging (SLR) stations; telescopes for imaging, tracking and laser beam delivery; observatories for satellite tracking

integrated software for automating the management of spacecraft operations

General Dynamics Mission Systems
TT&C encryption; prime contractor for the Landsat Multi-satellite Operations Centre


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
ground control stations; mission control centres; satellite health monitoring software

Satellite Applications and Operations Center (SAOC), Japan
ground control systems for Earth observation satellites

L3Harris Technologies
spacecraft command and control software; mission planning software

Mitsubishi Electric Space Systems
ground control stations; mission control centres; tracking control stations for launch vehicles


NPC Spacemind
telescope mounts and high performance tracking systems for space situational observatories

Officina Stellare
satellite laser ranging (SLR) stations

mission control centres

TT&C antennas snd motorised mounts; antenna tracking systems

Rocket Lab
spacecraft mission simulation software; command and control software for satellites and constellations

Space Flight Laboratory (SFL)
ground stations for CubeSats and small satellites

Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)
ground stations for small satellites

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